Conscious Sedation Consulting is offering a comprehensive didactic continuing education course on the administration of conscious (moderate) sedation and analgesia.
This course is appropriate for all non-anesthesia health care providers who are involved in the administration of sedatives and analgesia. Course has been developed in accordance with core principles described in The American Society of Anesthesiology Guidelines for Non-anesthesia Providers.
This course is designed to present information that will assist independent licensed practitioners, nurses and assisting staff to make decisions in their practice that will result in safer sedation programs.
New Jersey Medical Board - By June 30, 2007, and during every consecutive 3-year period thereafter, a physician credentialed by a hospital or alternatively privileged by the Board pursuant to N.J.A.C.13:35-4A.12 to provide conscious sedation must complete at least eight Category I or II CME hours in anesthesia services, which may consist exclusively of conscious sedation, or may consist of anesthesia as related to the physician's field of practice, which either meet the criteria for credit towards the Physician's Recognition Award of the AMA or have been approved by the AOA. N.J.A.C.13:35-4A.10.
This activity has been reviewed and is acceptable for up to 16.25 Prescribed Credits by the American Academy of Family Physicians, of these credits 7.50 hours conform to the AAFP criteria for evidence based CME clinical content. AAFP Prescribed Credit is accepted by the American Medical Association as equivalent to AMA PRA Category I Credit toward the AMA Physician's Recognition Award. Non-members of the AAFP may claim up to 8.75 hours of AMA PRA Category I credit.
Course Topics Include
• ASA Classification
•Patient Assessment
•Airway Management
•Adverse Events
•Risk Management
•Discharge & Follow-up
•Process Improvement
Seating is limited, pre-registration is required.
Official Website:
Added by Randy Sedation Consulting on August 25, 2010