Poet/MC Yosimar Reyes leads a night of creative expression by Bay Area theater practitioners, spoken word artists, poets and graphic activators who will tackle questions surrounding the recent rash of xenophobic laws and vigilante attacks on Latino communities in Arizona, Utah, and California.
Featuring headRush Productions (xago juarez & Rosa Gonzalez), Mamacoatl, Social Irruption, Somos (BRWN BFLO), Jack Hir...schman, Adrian "Ariazona" and many others.
The lobby will feature screen prints from local graphic artists celebrating popular resistance to Arizona's recent anti-Latino laws. Featured artists include: Jesus Barraza, Melanie Cervantes, Gato, Art Hazelwood, Christo Oropeza, Calixto Robles, and more. Problema #1070 is a co-production of the Center for Political Education and the MCCLA. Proceeds to benefit the San Francisco Immigrant Rights Defense Committee.
Official Website: http://www.missionculturalcenter.org
Added by FullCalendar on August 2, 2010