PO Box 185310
Dubai, Dubai

5 days


Bridge the gap between present challenges and desired solutions with a step-by-step method you can apply to meet whatever difficulties come your way. This unique workshop invites you to bring at least one in-depth workplace problem with you. You, your workshop leader and fellow participants will look at viable solution options…from their feasibility to the politics involved…and map out an implementation plan to take you from where you are to where you want to be. Discover how to use this process to go from ordinary to extraordinary performance. How to creatively brainstorm solutions and face obstacles from a whole new perspective. In our present work environment, where time and resources are tight, this seminar offers you the answers you need to perform at your best.


After attending this program participants will be better able to:
* Understand the steps of effective problem solving system

* Use the analytical techniques in each step

* Recognize the vital role communication plays at each step

* Ask questions in order to stimulate communication at each step

* Understand the anatomy of problems and why they persist

* Confront problems to prevent future stress

* Distinguish between the causes and effects of problems

* Label a problem to facilitate discussion and analysis

* Find a problem's root cause

* Brainstorm optional solutions

* Evaluate optional solutions to decide on the most workable strategy

* Formulate action plan to implement the chosen solution

* Apply the concept to real-life problems as they occur in the future.


* Concept of effective problem solving & decision making

* The characteristics of problems

* The problem solving & decision making process

* Problem identification

* Problem labeling

* Problem cause analysis

* Identifying alternative solutions

* Developing appropriate decisions

* Action planning & implementation

A proper mix of short lectures, Q&A, sharing, discussions, individual & group exercises and case studies

Managers and Supervisors who wish to broaden and deepen their problem solving and decision-making skills.

* US$ 3250.- per person, net into our account
* Including a certificate, refreshments, lunch, stationery and writing instruments

Publimaks International
Phone : +62 21 7456755
Fax : +62 21 7452049
Email : dubai@publimaks.com
Website: www.superiormanagementtraining.com

Official Website: http://www.superiormanagementtraining.com/index.html

Added by publimaks2 on January 26, 2010

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