307 W. 26th St.
New York City, New York

Written and Performed by Shannon O’Neill

The Charlie Sheen Prison for the Criminally Retarded and Insane is hosting it’s annual talent show, and you are invited. Enjoy the talents of four inmates who have committed acts of violence far worse than Dahmer, Bundy or Leno. Who would have thought a group of filth could also be gifted entertainers?
Performed by UCBT veteran Shannon O'Neill, the inmates are shamelessly homicidal, depraved and possibly supernatural. They are also eager to play Casio keyboards, tell stand-up and draw caricatures. The show is so dangerous that it can only be hosted by a computer, who routinely warns the audience of the danger they are in -- both psychological and physical -- by attending the show.

Directed by Will Hines
Featuring Polo Tate and Kat Toledo
Graphics by Matt Mayer

"In Shannon O'Neill's "Prison Freaks: A Talent Show," the veteran UCB improviser and teacher has compiled a cavalcade of prison misfits so freakish in looks and behavior that they come full circle to funny." –The Apiary

Official Website: http://newyork.ucbtheatre.com/shows/2240

Added by SPO on March 1, 2010

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