Experiencing Financial Fear?
Tired of the conversations about the "Recession" we are in?
Join Rachel Allen, practitioner of these Freedom principles for over 12 years.
Participate in conversations that will will lead you back to your Greater Truth.
Purpose of the Workshop: Freedom
Vision: Duplicating the Nature of Spirit in my Financial Affairs
1. To develop a greater awareness of God as the source of my Financial Freedom.
2. To develop a greater understanding of the Principles of Financial Freedom.
3. To develop a greater awareness of my currenct attitues and beliefs about money.
4. To develop new attitudes and beliefs about money that are in alignment with the Principles of Truth.
5. To develop a form of spiritual practice that will duplicate the nature of Spirit in my financial affairs.
6. To identify the forms of Self-Expression that are in alignment with my financial affairs.
Fee is $100.00
$25.00 of fee is a non refundable material fee
Friday from 6:00 pm- 9:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 am- 6:00 pm
2 breaks/ lunch hour
You may want to pack a lunch, closest food is west on River road to
PF Chang
Zen Burgers
or Trader Joes which is S. on Campbell.
Organized by The House of Ca'DeoThe House of Ca Deo is a not-for-profit organization that works
with individuals to realize healing and Wholeness via alternative
healing modalities.
We offer support through:
Classes & Workshops
Directory Services (Comprehensive Company & Service Listings for the State of Arizona)
Practitioner Services
Special Events (Guest Speakers, Music & Concerts)
As well as the opportunity to support other local non profit organizations in a variety of ways.
Ticket Info: Principles of Financial Freedom, $102.50
Official Website: http://principlesoffreedom-upcoming.eventbrite.com