247 Golden Gate Ave
San Francisco, California

Join Pride @ Work to defend tenant rights, workers rights, and a woman’s right to choose. In what promises to be a close election, our community’s voice matters.
NO on 85! Protecting Women's Choice
YES on F! Paid Sick Days
YES on H! Renter Relocation Assistance

* * * CAMPAIGN KICK OFF!!! * * *
* * * Saturday, Oct 14th, 10 am * * *
(time ammended)

247 Golden Gate Ave.
next to Local 2, cross Street is Leavenworth
Joint mobilization with Equality California
and Harvey Milk Democratic Club
10 am training
10:30 to 2 pm precinct walking

Pride at Work will be canvassing every Saturday until Election Day, phone banking every Tuesday and Thursday evening, and doing outreach in queer bars and neighborhoods. For more information on upcoming events go to:http://upcoming.org/user/85797/

P R I D E @ W O R K, the only Lesbian Gay Transgender Bisexual Labor organization, mobilizes mutual support between the organized Labor Movement and the LGBT Community for social and economic justice.
415-864-8770 x 757
Out and Organizing!

Added by sfprideatwork on October 8, 2006