San Francisco, California

Beer, queers, and politics???

Out of the streets and into the bars!

Join the Pride at Work bar crawl to educate voters, hand out flyers, and register voters. There is a lot at stake in this election - we've got to find our people where they're at and get them informed.
call 415-864-8770 x 757 for location near Castro

Here's the neighborhood bar crawl schedule-
Mission 10/20
Fairy Butch 10/21
Polk Street 10/26
Castro 10/30
SoMa 11/4

No on 85, Protect Women's Choice!
Yes on F, Paid Sick Days
Yes on H, Renter Relocation Assistance

for info on other events visit:
415-864-8770 x 757
Pride @ Work… out and organizing!

Added by sfprideatwork on October 18, 2006

Interested 1