1260 6th Ave
New York, New York 10020

MSG Entertainment is proud to announce the first annual "Radio City Music Hall Speaker Series," entitled "The Minds That Move The World," a timely and important series of events that will provide attendees with a unique framework for understanding America's current political landscape and place in world politics, through the insights of some of the most prominent political figures of our time. Over the course of three months, Radio City will host four special evenings with top political leaders and pundits, including former U.S. President Bill Clinton; former U.S. Vice President Al Gore; former presidential candidate and New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani; former presidential and vice presidential candidate John Edwards; high profile political operative James Carville; former political commentator Tucker Carlson; and influential blogger Arianna Huffington. NBC's Tim Russert and CNN's Anderson Cooper will serve as event moderators for two of the evenings. Moderators for President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore's engagements will be announced at a later date.

The series will be formatted to allow for each participant to present their thoughts on a wide range of important political and national issues, followed by a moderated question and answer period during which the moderator can elicit additional information and insights into particularly pertinent topics of the day.

Official Website: http://radiocity.com/events/speaker-series-08.html

Added by kathrynyu on April 8, 2008

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