Keynote Speaker Ted Bunch, co-founder of A Call To Men, is a nationally recognized leader in male accountability and will examine the responsibility of well-meaning men in ending men's violence against women. He will explore how adult men, male adolescents and boys have been and continue to be socialized to view women as having less value than men, are considered the property of men, and objects for men. Due to this socialization process, even well-meaning men, who may consider themselves to be good guys, can unknowingly benefit from a construct that supports mens violence against women.
For more information on A Call To Men, please visit www.ACallToMen.org.
Ted Bunch will also be the keynote speaker at the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay's 7th Annual Take Back the Night event for our community on April 2, 2009, at 6pm at Temple Terrace United Methodist Church, to Stand Up and Speak Out to End Sexual Violence. This Candlelight Vigil, March and Speak Out is free and open to the general public. For more information on Take Back the Night, please visit www.crisiscenter.com.
Organized by Crisis Center of Tampa Bay
At the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay we offer help, hope and healing to all people experiencing lifes problems and challenges, big and small. We are located in Tampa, Florida, and provide services throughout the State and beyond.
We help people cope with the devastating trauma of sexual or physical violence, domestic violence or abuse, depression and despair, substance abuse, financial problems, family issues or whenever lifes challenges are overwhelming.
Call 2-1-1 at the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay where we offer crisis counseling and/or information and referral to over 3,000 community services.
Ticket Info: Individual, Free
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/298912054/upcoming