1076 Williston Road
South Burlington, Vermont 05403

The Professionals Collaborative presents a Spring-time event for Vermont professionals. Join us to network, meet new friends, join old friends, have dinner, and hear Tim Donovan, president of CCV.

Tim will explain the Vermont State College’s role, challenges and opportunities in the development of Vermont’s future workforce with regard to workplace readiness and the skills necessary for continuous training and education throughout one’s career. The college’s role in this begins with juniors in high school and Vermont’s technical centers.

New requirements are emerging, and new approaches to prepare college students for the future workplace. Come and learn all about it, and how it can help those of us already in professional roles in the workplace! The Community College of Vermont (CCV) is a statewide resource, committed to quality post-secondary education within 25 miles of nearly every Vermonter characterized with 12 sites and significant online delivery of programs. CCV is currently in the design phase for a new facility in Winooski to serve its Chittenden County enrollment of 2000 students.

* Win wonderful door prizes * Make new friends* Learn about the next generation workforce* Network

5:00 - 6:00 PM Registration and networking
6:00 - 8:30 PM Buffet dinner, Presentation, Q&A

Registration Information
Cost: TPC members: $20, Non-TPC members: $30
Reserve your space by April 15 to get the $5 discount.

Contact Jennifer Kevlin to register at APICS@globalnetisp.net
Tel: 871-7593
Please send this information (cut & paste into an e-mail) to Jennifer (apics@globalnetisp.net) and bring with payment to the Windjammer on April 30th.
TPC Group Membership:
Amount enclosed: $ TPC members $20, $15 early registration
Non-members $35, $25 early registration

Note: TPC includes members of APICS, ASTD, ASQ, IMA, ISM, PMI, and STC.

APICS The Association for Operations Management
ASQ The American Society for Quality
IMA Institute of Management Accountants
PMI The Project Management Institute
ISM The Institute for Supply Management
ASTD The American Society for Training & Development
STC Society for Technical Communication

Official Website: http://www.stc-vermont.com

Added by Patty Myers on March 27, 2008


Patty Myers

Join us for networking, dinner, and a great presentation!