Preparing for a Carbon-Constrained World
November 21, 28, December 5, 12 or 19 at 9:30am PST.
This forty-five minute live Executive Briefing addresses the most important elements of climate change, peak oil and how they affect each other. It includes a fifteen-minute question and answer period at the end with the presenter.
Questions that we'll answer include:
Climate Change
* What is driving climate change?
* Why are so many scientists saying the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) underestimated near-term global temperature rise?
* What is the critical error that the IPCC was warned about but made anyway?
Peak Oil
* What is Hubbert's Peak and who was Hubbert?
* How do we know oil is peaking? Haven't there been predictions of peaking before?
* Why is oil so hard to replace in our economy?
* What are the major global forces increasing the price of oil?
* What are the alternatives to oil? Do we really have 150 years of coal left? Why is natural gas next?
* Where is your business most vulnerable to ever-increasing energy prices in the future?
Peak Oil and Climate Change
* What impact will declining fossil fuel availability have on global average temperature?
Preparing for a Carbon-Constrained World
* Why do we recommend that your business not buy carbon offsets? Why should it not participate in a carbon market if it's not mandatory for your industry sector?
* Why is Governor Schwarzenegger likely to use the economic escape clause in AB32, the carbon emissions legislation he signed into law?
* What are the most important elements you should have in your Carbon Reduction Plan?
For a complete description of this Executive Briefing and to register at no cost, please see visit
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Inspiring Green Leadership creates sustainability programs that are good for business and are good for the environment.
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Added by FullCalendar on November 6, 2007