Prem is one of the first generation of Westerners taught by Guruji back in the 70’s along with David Williams and Nancy Gilgoff. He has a wealth of experience to share.
In this course, you will learn 'the secrets to building a Life Long Practice'. Elements will be drawn from Ashtanga, Ayurveda and Tantric traditions. There will also be reference to Prem's Book 'The Only Way Out Is In'. This is a unique opportunity to study with one of the world's most advanced ashtanga practitioners.
You can book the whole 6 day course Sat-Thu inclusive for £130, or individual Mysore sessions for £15 or either Easter Saturday or Good Sunday for £50. The schedule is: 10.30am-4.30pm Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th April. Mysore 7am-9am (not 6.30am!) Monday 13th to Thursday 16th April inclusive.
Added by gstar on March 9, 2009