Classes will be held at The Motherhood Center, located at 3701 W. Alabama Suite 230 between Buffalo Speedway and Weslayan. Pre-registration is required. The next session begins Sept. 30.
Experience a bond with your unborn child through the joy and marvel of music. Babies can hear as early as 15 weeks after conception. Their senses are stimulated through sound and rhythm. The classes meet on Thursdays for five weeks. Expectant mom and dad are welcomed to connect with their baby by singing songs and playing simple instruments. Early communication will help the unborn child recognize mom and dad’s voice at birth.
Classes are taught by Music Director Dr. Ana Treviño-Godfrey, a classically trained professional singer and mother. She received her Doctorate of Music at Rice University and is a soprano soloist for Mercury Baroque and music researcher.
To register for session and schedule information call 713-963-8880 ext.“0” or visit
For more information about Prelude and The Motherhood Center visit
Added by LBPR on September 15, 2010