3701 W. Alabama, Suite 230
Houston, Texas

Prelude offers parents and their infants, toddlers and preschool children an interactive experience of learning and understanding the fundamentals of music through instruments, song and dance.

All classes use the Music Together® curriculum, a research-based music and movement program for children developed by the Center for Music and Young Children in Princeton, New Jersey. Its goal is to provide the highest quality music and movement experiences to as many young children as possible and to involve their parents and other adult caregivers in the child’s ability to achieve basic music competence, which is defined as the ability to sing in tune and move with accurate rhythm. This growth is best achieved in a playful, developmentally appropriate, non-performance-oriented learning environment that is musically rich yet immediately accessible for the child’s and the adult’s participation.

Classes are taught by Music Director Dr. Ana Trevino-Godfrey, a classically trained professional singer and mother. She received her Doctorate of Music at Rice University and is a soprano soloist for Mercury Baroque and music researcher.

To register for the winter session or schedule information, call 713-963-8880 or register online at www.motherhoodcenter.com.

Added by LBPR on December 14, 2010

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