**FREE**Pregnancy Information Night- Know Your Birth Options
Where: Maidu Community Center- Arts & Crafts Room
1550 Maidu Dr. Roseville, CA 95661
When: December 3rd 2009 5pm-8pm
Why: To educate and spread the word about anything pregnancy related and how our community DOES have great professionals out there to help support you during this journey!
Presentation Topics Include:
Hospital Choices
Provider Care Choices
Birth Team Choices
Support Resources
Pain Management Choices- natural, medications, inductions, epidurals, c-sections discussion of Pro's and Con's of each
Q & A then Meet and Greet
Panel of Childbirth Professionals available to answer group and individual questions.
Free Resource Guide and handouts provide to all guests!
To breastfeed or not to breastfeed? Learn all the pro's and cons and how you can make it work for you!
Lactation consultants can help- see how at our meeting!
Find out how Doulas & midwives aren't just for hippies anymore...they can help anyone that is pregnant, statistics show that using a doula or midwife lowers your chance of interventions that lead to c-sections, and also lower chances of post-partum depression. Doulas also help csection moms recover faster!
Want to know what a Doula is and can do for you, no matter the birth plan you have?
Want help writing your birth plan?
Never heard of a birth plan? Why use one?
Kaiser now offers Midwives, learn about how they differ from OB/GYN's
Ever thought of having your baby in a birth center?
Think Homebirth is weird, find out why it is NOT so weird after all.
Check out this link for more information:
Know Your Birth Options
Official Website: http://hubpages.com/hub/Know-Your-Birth-Options
Added by FullCalendar on November 16, 2009