Predictive Analytics:
Workshop de treinamento em São Paulo - 26-27 Julho
CURSO: "Análise Preditiva para Marketing Business & Web" ("Predictive Analytics for Business, Marketing & Web")
LÍNGUA: Tradução simultânea para o Português: Simultaneous translation into Portuguese with headphones, or English without
CIDADE: São Paulo, Brasil
LOCAL: Blue Tree Premium Morumbi, Avenida Roque Petroni Junior, 1000
DATAS: 26-27 Julho
DESCONTA DE 20% ATE 15 DE MAIO: Para a oferta brasileira inaugural deste programa de formação aclamado, um desconto Super precoce de 20% de desconto (EUA $ 300 off) tem at é 15 de maio. Use código de desconto "brasil20" (pagamentos Google Checkout apenas).
Métricas de neg ócio fazer um grande trabalho que resume o passado. Mas se voc ê quer prever como os clientes ir ão responder no futuro, há um lugar para virar - an álise preditiva. Ao aprender a partir de seus abundantes dados históricos, an álise preditiva fornece algo além de relatórios de negócios padr ão e previsões de vendas: Previsões acion áveis para cada cliente. Estas previsões prever quais clientes vão comprar, clique, responder, converter ou cancelar.
Este curso cobre concentrado as técnicas, dicas e sugest ões que você precisa para executar uma bem sucedida iniciativa de an álise preditiva, e inclui sess ões tem áticas interativas e um breve hands-on exercícios.
DESCRIÇÃO, elogios, e inscrições:
Entre em contato conosco se você tiver qualquer dúvida - o instrutor fala um pouco de Português.
July 26-27, 2012 in São Paulo, Brazil
- Tradu ç ão simult ânea para o Portugu ês: Simultaneous translation into Portuguese with headphones, or English without -
A two-day intensive seminar brought to you by Prediction Impact, Inc. For more information go to
98% of attendees Oct-2008 to May-2010 rated the instructor Excellent or Very Good.
"At Intuit we're already using data as an asset on the web, but this
course makes it very concrete how we can take it to the next level."
Jared Waxman, Web Analytics Leader
Or take the e-course ONLINE - immediate access, on demand - see
Bring this course on-site. Give your personnel a complete understanding of predictive analytics, on your premises and at your convenience - see
** An official training program of Predictive Analytics World ( **
Business metrics do a great job summarizing the past. But if you want to predict how customers will respond in the future, there is one place to turn--predictive analytics. By learning from your abundant historical data, predictive analytics provides the marketer something beyond standard business reports and sales forecasts; actionable predictions for each customer. These predictions encompass all channels, both online and off, foreseeing which customers will buy, click, respond, convert or cancel. If you predict it, you own it.
The customer predictions generated by predictive analytics deliver more relevant content to each customer, improving response rates, click rates, buying behavior, retention and overall profit. For online applications such as e-marketing and customer care recommendations, predictive analytics acts in real-time, dynamically selecting the ad, web content or cross-sell product each visitor is most likely to click on or respond to, according to that visitor's profile. This is AB selection, rather than just AB testing.
Predictive Analytics for Business, Marketing and Web ( is a concentrated training program that includes interactive breakout sessions and a brief hands-on exercise. In two days we cover:
The techniques, tips and pointers you need in order to run a successful predictive analytics and data mining initiative:
• How to strategically position and tactically deploy predictive analytics and data mining at your company
• How to bridge the prevalent gap between technical understanding and practical use
• How a predictive model works, how it's created and how much revenue it generates
• Several detailed case studies that demonstrate predictive analytics in action and make the concepts concrete
• Five ways to lower costs with Predictive Analytics
No background in statistics or modeling is required. The only specific knowledge assumed for this training program is moderate experience with Microsoft Excel or equivalent.
“An excellent overview on how to start using predictive analytics in any organization! In just two weeks I already have buy-in from upper management…”
Jennifer Boland, Onsite Marketing Analyst
Sierra Trading Post
"A very insightful and interesting seminar. I plan to put data mining and predictive analytics to work for us right away thanks to your ability to make this an approachable subject."
Rob Ford, Director Pricing
Getty Images
For more information, visit, or e-mail us at You may also call 1-415-683-1146.
Cross-Registration Special: Attendees earn $250 off the Predictive Analytics World Conference
Early-Bird Special: $100 off early registration, 3 weeks ahead.
DISCOUNTS OF 20% UNTIL MAY 15: São Paulo, Brazil training only. Up to US $ 300 discount if registered by May 15th. Use discount code: brazil20 (Google Checkout only).
July 26-27, 2012 (São Paulo, Brazil) Blue Tree Premium Morumbi, Avenida Roque Petroni Junior, 1000
Prediction Impact, Inc.
PAW San Francisco: March 4-10, 2012 -
Text Analytics World SF: March 6-7, 2012 -
PAW Toronto: April 25-26, 2012 -
PAW Chicago: June 25-26, 2012 -
PAW Government: Sept 17-18, 2012 -
PAW Boston: Sept 30-Oct 4, 2012 -
Text Analytics World Boston: Oct 2-3, 2012 -
PAW Düsseldorf: November 6-7, 2012 -
PAW London: November 27-28, 2012 -
PAW Videos: Available on-demand -
Official Website:
Added by EliseJ on March 15, 2012