Adoption Venue: All Saturdays of each month (excluding Holiday weekends) Hours: 1:30pm-5:30pm
Our Objective: Educating the public is very important to Precious Paws. We will campaign tirelessly to inform the public about the importance of responsible animal guardianship. By informing the public about the necessity for responsible animal care and the importance of spay and neuter we help solve the problem of homeless animals. The number of unwanted animals due to overpopulation is intolerable and heartbreaking. By ensuring that animals are spayed and neutered, we can help to alleviate this overpopulation. Informing the public about the positive effects of spaying and neutering will help to educate them about this important matter. Every time we are working with the public we provide this service. We also provide them with reference materials about how to take care of their animals (i.e. information on spay/neuter, vaccinations, care of your newly-adopted cat or dog, feline and canine diseases, etc.).
When funds do permit, we will provide assistance for individuals who cannot afford proper veterinary care for their animals. This helps to keep the animal with the individual and to alleviate any unnecessary suffering for the animal. It also will help provide spay and neuter to people who may not be able to afford this service and therefore will prevent unwanted puppies and kittens from being born when they are not wanted. Funds will also be dispersed to offset trap/neuter/release efforts and expenses relating to the overpopulation of feral cats in the surrounding communities. Precious Paws ultimate goal is to establish a sanctuary to house orphaned cats and dogs until they can be placed in permanent, loving homes and a forever home for those dogs and cats that have special medical needs and/ or are not adoptable.
Adoption Application: What To Do:
1. Download our Adoption Procedure (below) for the pet you are interested in.
2. Download the appropriate Application (below) and the Cover Agreement.
3. Please be sure to read the Adoption Procedure in full.
4. Fill out the Application.
5. Be sure to sign the Application and the Cover Sheet Agreement.
6. Either FAX or Email the completed Application and Cover Agreement to us at:
(note: you will be faxing or emailing us a total of three pages)
Fax : 661-943-0311
KITTEN or Adult CAT (Under 2) $125.00 each
Adult CAT (Over 2 yrs of age) $100.00 each
IN ADDITION: Pursuant to CA Law -- There is a $40.00 refundable deposit required if the adopted
cat/kitten is NOT YET sterilized. Sterilization must occur within 30 days of adoption.
INCLUDED IN Donation Fee: ALL cats/kittens are current with their FVRCP/FELV
Vaccination series / boosters, Treated for Parasites as needed, Blood Tested, Vet Checked, Sterilized (spayed/neutered) and Microchipped. Plus, 2-Week Trial Period & Lifetime Return
NOTE: Completing the Application is only the first step in gathering information that will help us understand how a pet will fit into your lifestyle. Please do not be surprised if we call you later for more information.
Our Primary Consideration in ALL Pet Placement Decisions is the PET !
Most of our pets have had a hard life and many have special needs (such as food, attention, time, training, security, etc.).
We appreciate your understanding how much effort goes into the placement decision.
In most cases, considerable work, love and money are expended to rehabilitate these cats/kittens.
After this considerable investment, it is understandable that we really try hard for a good “fit”.
Please keep in mind that not everyone who applies will get a pet.
This has more to do with the pet than with the applicant.
However, every application will be considered, and is deeply appreciated!
5 . CONTACT: A Volunteer will contact you by phone or email within 24 - 72 hours. At this time we
will also discuss current food and recommended supplies.
KITTEN or Adult CAT (Under 2) $125.00 each
Adult CAT (Over 2 yrs of age) $100.00 each
IN ADDITION: Pursuant to CA Law -- There is a $40.00 refundable deposit required if the adopted
cat/kitten is NOT YET sterilized. Sterilization must occur within 30 days of adoption.
INCLUDED IN Donation Fee: ALL cats/kittens are current with their FVRCP/FELV Vaccination series / boosters, Treated for Parasites as needed, Blood Tested, Vet Checked, Sterilized (spayed/neutered) and Microchipped. Plus, 2-Week Trial Period & Lifetime Return
Dog Application: Your Adoption Fee Covers: All DOGS under 2 years are $250.00 All DOGS over TWO are $200.00 DOGS will be current with their Vaccinations based upon age: This may or may not include rabies.
Treated for Parasites, and examined by a Vet.
ALL DOGS are sterilized (spay/neuter). All are Microchipped.
Remembering the First Lady of Star Trek, Majel Barrett Roddenberry: Submitted by admin on Friday, 19 December 2008 - All of us with Precious Paws are deeply saddened to have lost a friend and supporter. Majel, you will be missed!
Today I learned that Majel Barrett Roddenberry, better known as the “First Lady of Star Trek” and Nurse Chappel in the Star Trek original series, as well as the computer voice and Lwaxana Troi in Star Trek: The New Generation, has passed away.
When I was younger, I had the pleasure of meeting Majel. My father worked in the hotel business, and was able to arrange the meeting after the airport had lost her luggage, and we agreed to help her, if she would be kind enough to meet me, at age 14. She was very sweet and very kind, almost grandmotherly. I drew a poster photo of her and she was so kind and seemed to really appreciate it. She asked if we were coming to the Star Trek convention later, but because of my father’s work schedule, we didn’t get to go. If there is one regret I have this morning, is I didn’t get to thank her all these years later for making such a positive impression on me in her hotel room.
Majel was a huge supporter of animal non-profits and advocacy such as Precious Paws,
Majel Barrett Roddenberry Fan Tribute (6:24)
Found On:
Official Website:
Added by ladyirene on December 21, 2008