27 University Avenue
Palo Alto, California 94301

Meet new friends in time for the holidays at this upscale restaurant! $10 at the door includes our fun Mixer Game, which makes it EASY to meet people; accompanied by appetizers, served at 7pm, as long as they last. Adults of all ages welcome. Dress to impress. Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 7-9pm. Expect a big crowd because tomorrow is a holiday!

LOCATION: MacArthur Park, 27 University Avenue, Downtown Palo Alto CA 94301. Conveniently located next to the Caltrain Station. From Hwy 101 take University Avenue exit west. Free parking in the area.

SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, the worlds largest non-profit singles organization.

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Official Website: http://www.thepartyhotline.com

Added by richpartyhotline on November 11, 2009