Pohjoisesplanadi 2
Helsinki, Uusimaa

In the spirit of gearing up for September 17th; SIME invite you, together with Gyllene Skor, to a pre-SIME cocktail and industry meeting on September 2nd at 18.00 at Teatteri. Address: Pohjoisesplanadi 2, Helsinki
This event is an excellent "warm up" to SIME Helsinki. Together with key players such as Marko Ahtisaari, Janne Waltonen and Kim Weckström we will be examining the status of Finnish Digital Business and asking "How has the industry developed in the last ten years and what does the future look like?" This is an opportunity to network and to partake in some of the most innovative and interesting discussions surrounding the Finnish Digital Business world today.
Please RSVP by e-mail to Otso at Gyllene Skor
(otso.huovinen@gylleneskor.fi) or Joakim at Result (jl@result.com).

Added by Antti Vilpponen on August 28, 2008