Why should I attend this retirement seminar?
Federal employees need sound financial strategies today, more than ever before. In straightforward language, this seminar explains time-tested strategies that help you to make informed financial decisions. Whether your objective is to build a nest egg, protect your assets or preserve your lifestyle throughout retirement, this seminar helps you plan your future with confidence.
Dates, Time and Agenda
April 14 - CSRS Employees all day 8:30 am 4:00 pm
April 15 - FERS Employees all day 8:30 am 4:00 pm
April 16 - Financial/Personal Planning - All 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Your fee includes a CSRS or FERS workbook, financial planning binder & materials and as well as a catered lunch & break snacks on the days you attend).
The instructor for 4/14 & 15 will be a Snow-Cap Agency representative with over 20 years of experience educating federal employees. Your instructor on 4/16 is Edward Ned Kissinger a Certified Financial Planner and Chartered Federal Employee Benefit Consultant with Kissinger Financial Services, Inc.*. This seminar will fill up very quickly. Please register without delay. A detailed agenda is available by request:
Baltimore.feb@verizon.net . (The first 10 spouses in each session are at no cost).
Please contact the FEB Executive Director, Richard Howell, if you have any questions. Email:
baltimore.feb@verizon.net or (410) 962-4047.
Organized by Baltimore Federal Executive Board (FEB)The Baltimore Federal Executive Board was established in 1969 and is part of a national network of 28 FEBs. The Balimore FEB represents all federal agencies and installations throughout the State of Maryland. Currently, there are over 130 federal agencies supported by the FEB. The FEB sponsors the annual Disabilty Employment Training Conference and a number of other conferences, annual awards program and selected and timely training workshops, pre-retirement planning seminars and other professional development workshops throughout the year. Our goal is to support federal employees within our lines of business of Human Capital Readiness, Emergency Preparedness, Employee Safety and Security and Community Outreach Activities.
Ticket Info: Federal Employees in CSRS or FERS, $112.75
Official Website: http://retsem-upcoming.eventbrite.com