The continuing series of workshops/initiations started in October and begins in-person this month, after snow season fades. Initiates will raise their vibration to a higher level for a more joyful ife, clear dysfunctional cellular memories from their energy bodies, develop healing and evolutionary tools and practices, connect with their Higher Self, and gain confidence in their Soul/Spirit's existence. Over this time, initiates will create their SAHU body by learning to contact the Neters (deities) associated with each chakra in the Egyptian system through meditation, deep trance, chanting, energy work, and ritual. This session, we will work with the third chakra and the deities associated with it - Amon-Ra, the Neter of the fire of Divine Will, and Sekhmet, the Neter of the fire of Illumination of the sixth chakra. Learn the sacred archrtypes and practices for balancing divine and personal will and for accessing the direct perception of the third eye. This session will continue the process of creating the SAHU body for use during this life and the afterlife.
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Added by Isis Books and Gifts on March 18, 2009