The Aquarian Teacher International Teacher Certification Program in Kundalini Yoga & Meditation as taught by Yogi Bhajan.
This program is life-transforming and is for everyone. Whether you are interested in becoming a teacher or wanting to deepen your yoga practice and knowledge.
Our Teaching Team brings a wealth of experience and expertise. All of our Teachers are KRI certified Teacher Trainers:
Shabad Saroop Singh (Montreal);Sangeet Kaur (New Mexico);Guru Raj Kaur (Vancouver);Dev Suroop Kaur (New Mexico);Siri Bandhu Kaur (Ottawa);Devinder Kaur (Ottawa);plus other guest instructors to be announced
This certification fulfills the Kundalini Yoga Research Institute (KRI) and Yoga Alliance's 200 hour requirement for a Registered Yoga Teacher and includes 180+ hours of classroom instruction in a well-defined curriculum consisting of:
How to use breath (pranayam), postures (asanas), sound (mantra) and meditation to awaken your mind and train your body;
Yogic philosophy and the origin of Kundalini Yoga;
Yogic and Western Anatomy;
How to develop a meditative mind for clarity and calmness;
How to use mantra and sacred sound;
How to develop a daily yoga practice (Sadhana);
How to deal with stress and the yogi approach to relaxation techniques;
The study of humanology and 3HO lifestyle;
Teaching Kundalini Yoga Postures, Kriyas and Meditation; and
Ethics and the Role of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher.
Click to view our PranaShanti Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Brochure in PDF which includes the dates for the training weekends.
Fee Structure:
PranaShanti offers 3 payment options:
#1 - Pay in Full - Before September 1st, 2009: $2,500.00 + GST; or
#2 - Pay In Full on or after September 1st, 2009: $2,700.00 + GST; or
#3 - Payment Plan: Deposit of $500 on or before September 1st, 2009 and $364/month for 7 months for a total of $2,900.00 + GST.
For Student rate please inquire.
Refunds (minus a $300 Administration Fee) are available up to September 25th, 2009.
No refunds after September 25th, 2009.
For more information and registration, please call 613-761-9642 (YOGA) or click here.
See also: kundalini yoga teacher training team; hatha yoga teacher training; and hatha yoga teacher training team;
Organized by PranaShanti Yoga CentreOur intention at PranaShanti is to create an oasis in the city of Ottawa. A home that heals your body, calms the mind and strengthens the spirit. From the moment you walk through the door, your Yoga practice begins. Hear the soothing sound of the waterfall, feel surrounded by the soft color palette and enjoy a delicious cup of Yogi Tea with your fellow yogis.
The PranaShanti Yoga Teachers bring a wealth of experience and offer the highest quality of teaching. Our Teachers come from all walks of life and backgrounds and share the vision of bringing the benefits of Yoga and Meditation from many different traditions to our community.
We strive to develop a soothing and healing atmosphere and sense of community where you can deepen your Yoga practice. We encourage you to relax and take your time so you can leave feeling renewed by your overall experience.
Ticket Info: KYTT, C$2,709.95
Official Website: http://pranashanti-upcoming.eventbrite.com