Tuesdays and Thursdays January 8 - January 17; 1:30pm - 3:00pm
6 General Recertification Credits
Compliance. Immigration. International Business Systems. Talent Acquisition. Success in today's globally diverse environment requires a shift to a global mindset. But what does this mean really? What practices do you put in place to ensure employees from multiple countries and cultures interact productively?
Join us online in January to develop your strategy for meeting significant global workforce challenges head on. Your organization relies on you to protect, prepare and propel it forward - at home and around the world. Make your plan with us!
January 8: Developing a Global Mindset - Do You Really Need One?
Discover the truth behind the critical shift to a global mindset. Develop a framework for strategically moving your organization in a global direction.
January 10: Overcoming Immigration and Compliance Challenges to Better Leverage Foreign Talent
Ensure you have a compliant documentation system in place. You'll find that doing so not only protects your organization, but also aids in recruiting and retaining a global workforce.
January 15: Doing Business Internationally - Aligning HRIS, Finance and HR
Learn how to support your companies global plan, overcome obstacles found in different countries and meet your objectives in a global environment.
January 17: Keys to Successful Global Talent Acquisition and Retention
Learn to address staffing needs in a global organization. You'll discover invaluable secrets to sourcing and retaining talent, designing compensation for expats, and various avenues for employing local nationals.
Official Website: http://www.nchra.org
Added by FullCalendar on December 13, 2012