Want to know the latest on SOA adoption in the pharmaceuticals and health care industries? Want to step beyond simply implementing Services to making SOA a loosely-coupled reality? Want to learn from industry practitioners on the best ways to guarantee SOA success?
Attend ZapThink's Practical SOA for Pharmaceutical and Health Care industries. The best of the best in the world of SOA take you through concepts, business issues, approaches, and technology to make SOA work within your organizations. We don't focus on the hype and the folks who have products to push, but on the “brass tacks” of making SOA work for you.
Visit www.zapthink.com/eventreg.html for more information. Use code GAFPSOA1 for an additional $50 off your registration fees!
Official Website: http://www.zapthink.com/eventreg.html
Added by techgirl_it on January 23, 2008