131 W 72nd St
New York, New York 10023

It is estimated that every 18 seconds a senior will fall and 35% of people over the age of 65 will suffer a fall that will lead to a hip fracture, knee, low back or wrist injury.
Practical Fitness & Wellness CEO Jason Greenspan will launch a 10-week fall prevention series called Balance Superstars, geared towards senior citizens. Every Monday from 11am to 12pm, beginning on February 11th, join fitness expert and author Jason Greenspan at Ripley-Grier Studios (131 W. 72nd Street) for a one hour classthat will feature various aspects of fitness from balance and posture exercises to core and flexibility strengthening, which all will help to decrease the risk of a slip and fall. The 10-week program costs $250 and is also available toexperience for $25 per class. Greenspan’s senior classes have been featured on NY1.
For more information, please contact Practical Fitness & Wellness at 646.573.9724 or visit www.practicalfitnesswellness.com.

Added by R. Couri Hay Creative PR on January 15, 2013



How can he be performing here and at Nokia???? I bought my tickets for Pizza Hut performance 2 months ago!