Do you have a peak oil/sustainability related project you would like to promote or a topic you would like to discuss? Then this is the meeting for you! Every 2nd Wednesday, we open the space at St. Francis to freeform discussion of a 2 or more topics determined by people's interest for the evening.
Some ongoing and common discussions:
- Cohousing and sustainable household clusters
- The City of Portland Peak Oil Task Force
- Establishing a local, alternative currency
- Peak Oil Senarios: What's going to happen?
- Peak Oil 101: Peak Oil Orientation
- What people are doing to prepare for a post-peak world
Rough schedule for the evening:
7:00 - 7:20 Opening and Announcements
7:20 - 7:40 Introductions and Topic Selection
7:40 - 8:40 Discussions and Presentations
8:40 - 9:00 Reconvene and Summarize Discussions
Official Website:
Added by robincanaday on September 10, 2006