23832 Rockfield Boulevard, Suite 195, Rockfield Plaza
Lake Forest, California 92630

Event Phone : 949-340-7408
Email : admin@templeoflight.info
Website : http://www.TempleOfLight.info

Description : Let Stephanie Riseley, author of Love From Both Sides – A True Story of Soul Survival and Sacred Sexuality, inspire you to ignite the power tools of your mind to heal your body, as she shares how alternate healing methods saved her own life. You’ll discover how hypnotherapy and Past Life Regressions can free you from self-destructive behaviors that can ruin your health and happiness.
Then she will shock you when she reveals what happened after her husband died in her arms, because embarrassing as it is for her to admit, not only did he “come back” and talk to her, but he “connected” emotionally, passionately and physically from the In Between – and proved that sex is truly sacred.
Registration fee is $20 in advance and $25 day of.

Official Website: http://www.TempleofLight.info

Added by Temple of Light OC on May 29, 2010

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