Does your organization or department need a strategic plan? Yes, absolutely. Studies show that planning is one of the top 10 reasons for business success. Strategic plans describe where you are going over the next year or more, how you're going to get there and how you will know if you got there.
Although strategic planning is crucial, the reality is that most of us scarcely have the time to get our day-to-day business done. The 60 Minute Strategic Plan guides individuals and teams to think, plan, and act creatively and decisively on issues large and small. At this half-day strategic planning workshop, HR professionals will learn by doing. Using an interactive, experiential approach, you will be taken step by step through a 2-stage, 12-step, one-page process. During this session, you will:
* Set a long-term, quantifiable, big hairy audacious organizational vision
* Define strategies and plans of actions to achieve your vision
* End up with a completed strategic plan for your HR organization you can begin implementing right away
Anne Marie Smith is a successful business consultant and entrepreneur. Smith started her first company in 1995 and built it into a high-growth, successful venture. Smith sold the business in 2005 and started 60 Minute Strategic Plan, Inc. in 2006. She is co-author of the book, 60 Minute Strategic Plan: 2 Stages, 12 Steps, 300 Words...Planning and Problem Solving for the Real World. Smith's passion is helping organizations and individuals achieve and excel.
Desired Level of Experience: Appropriate for all levels
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on April 25, 2010