How To Register
1. Conference Registration: If you are a TLAN member, select member registration to get your discount. If you are a non-member, select the standard registration, or also add a membership to your registration to get the member rate. 2. Select pre-/post- conference workshops that you would like to attend.3. Accomodations: If you plan to stay on the Goddard campus, select the appropriate room andboardpackage.If you choosea shared room package, you will share a dorm room with another conference attendee.You will have your own dorm room if you choose a single room. These packages include all of your meals. Don't forget to indicate the number ofpackages you are choosingin the quantity menu.4. Meals: Choose Meal Package1M ONLY if you are staying off campus and would like to have meals on campus during the conference. Please contact Heather at the email address below if you need an alternate meal package. 5. Contact Heather Mandell at with any questions about the conference or with registering.
Explore how we can use our words written, spoken or sung tocreate community, deepen healing, witness one another, wake ourselves up, and foster empowerment and transformation. Organized by the Transformative Language ArtsNetwork, and founded by Goddard College, this conference features experiential workshops onexpressive language arts, right livelihood, narrative and poetic medicine, and transformative language artsactivism.Conference attendees will enjoy and participate in performances, open readings, and celebrations. Join incommunity with others who share your passion. Keynote presenters for the 2009 conference include:
Kayhan Irani, performer of the Theatre of the Oppressed and creator of Artivista, an organization that combines art and activism as a form of political expression and engagement.
John Fox, poet, author, poetry therapist, founder of Poetic Medicine, and author of Poetic Medicine and Finding What You Didn't Lose.
Lewis Mehl Medrona, author of Coyote Medicine, Native American physician and psychiatrist and professor of family psychiatry who calls himself a post-modern, semi-urban neo-shaman.
Dovie Thomason, award-winning Native American storyteller, recording artist and author.
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, founder of Transformative Languages Arts, and award-winning author of several books including Write Where You Are and Lots Wife, who will be debuting her memoir, The Sky Begins at Your Feet.
Sherry Reiter, poetry therapy pioneer and drama therapist presenting a workshop on the possibilities inherent in poetry therapy.
Callid Keefe & Kristina Perry, facilitators-in-residence and writers on Theopoetics and the Quaker meeting tradition.
Terry Hauptman, artist-in-residence, painter and poet, and author of On Hearing Thunder, Rattle, and Masquerading in Clover.
Narrative Medicine: The Kaiser-Permanente Journal isunderwriting the narrative medicine track of this conference. Three physicianswill present special workshops on how the stories we tell ourselves, and our culture tells usabout health and illness can be examined and revised to bring us greater meaning and richer lives. There will also be a narrative medicine panel withpresentations by pioneers in narrative and poeticmedicine; John Fox and Lewis Mehl-Medrona; a book release for Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg's narrative medicine memoir; and a showing of the film, Healing Words: Poetry and Medicine.
Right Livelihood: The Right Livelihood track will run throughout the conference and includesworkshops on making a living, listening to callings, creating effective business plans, self-care, and related topics -- all to be presented by experts in the field.
Social Change: The TLA Network is committed to social change, social justice and transformative language arts activism. The social change track includes workshops oncommunitybuilding for women of color, reclaiming race, socially conscious TLA, dialogueson creating peaceduring wartime, anddevelopingoutreach materialsfor social change. Our facilitators-in-residence are also availableduring office hours to discuss group process and consensus building for creating community.
Transformative Language Arts Network
Supports individuals and organizations in promoting all forms of the spoken, written and sung word as a tool for personal and community transformation.
Visit us at:
Ticket Info: - Registration - Member - Early Bird, $198.00
- Registration - Early Bird, $220.00
- TLA Network Membership, $80.00
- Special Pre-Conference Workshop: Writing Beauty Road Trip with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg & Patricia Fontaine, $140.00
- Pre-Conference Workshop: Poetic Medicine: The Healing Art of Poem-making with John Fox, $140.00
- Pre-Conference Workshop: Theatre of the Oppressed with Kayhan Irani, $70.00
- Pre-Conference Workshop: Writing Away the Demons with Sherry Reiter & Authors, $70.00
- Post-Conference Workshop: Indigenous Storytelling: Teaching the Art of Being Human with Dovie Thomason, $70.00
- Post-Conference Workshop: Narrative Psychiatry: healing mind and brain in a social world with Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., $140.00
- Room Package R1: Shared Wed-Mon, $376.00
- Room Package R2: Shared Thu-Mon, $300.00
- Room Package R3: Shared Fri-Mon, $224.00
- Room Package R4: Single Wed-Mon, $476.00
- Room Package R5: Single Thu-Mon, $378.00
- Room Package R6: Single Fri-Mon, $284.00
- Meal Package M1: Conference only, $90.00
Official Website: