619 S. Wabash
Chicago, Illinois 60605

Use the power of ideas to set communications goals that build your organization and advance your mission.

Communication strategists understand change rarely occurs overnight and plan accordingly. Strategy simply means setting goals that advance your program or development work. Framing or often even more importantly, re-framing, your work is the art of putting what you do in a context that resonates with your audiences. Learn:

* Anatomy of a great media plan
* What framing is all about and how to frame, or re-frame, an issue
* What we need besides media

Workshop participants will get pragmatic tips on how to put the tool of framing to work in in planning a communications campaign.

Trainer Sangita Nayak works at the Milwaukee chapter of 9to5, the National Association of Working Women where she is helping to lead a countywide ballot initiative campaign that will be voted on in November to allow workers to earn a minimum of one hour of paid sick time for every 30 hours worked.

Previously she was the organization's National Communications Director. She has also served as Interim Director at the Hmong American Women's Association and still serves on their board, and as Policy and Communications Director for The Praxis Project, where she co-created the Katrina Information Network that provided media and e-advocacy support for over 30 groups on the ground in the Gulf South, for the year post-Katrina.

In the late 90s, she directed organizing on public health issues and corporate accountability and worked with an international coalition campaigning against tobacco transnationals as well as ACE, an organization committed to environmental justice in Roxbury, Mass. She has worked on campaigns from winning resolutions at the WHO level to stopping the unsafe W-2 placements of Hmong refugees by Maximus. Ms. Magazine named her as one of the "women to watch" in 2000. She currently serves on the boards of HAWA, Progressive Communicators Network, the Freedom Now Collaborative, and on the leadership team of the local Philanthropy Incubator Project.

Official Website: http://www.newstips.org

Added by Diana2008 on July 21, 2008

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