The Protocol for Web Description Resources, POWDER, is a new technology from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that bridges the gap between the traditional Web and the Semantic Web. It's simple, easy to use and can fit into existing publishing work flows with minimal development effort.
From an end user's perspective, POWDER:
- delivers more of what you asked for and less of what you don't want;
- allows you to judge the trustworthiness of information found on the Web;
- brings the best of the Web to your browser.
From a publisher's perspective, POWDER:
- is an easy and inexpensive way describe lots of things at once (such as everything on a Web site);
- is open to authentication so that others know they can trust your data;
- opens up your data to the Semantic Web.
From a service provider's perspective, POWDER:
- supports real-time content personalization;
- makes discovering relevant & trustworthy content easier;
- identifies online resources that meet criteria that are not solely based on popularity.
Join us for a (free) network buffet lunch from noon (thanks Yahoo!) and the meeting itself starts at 1.30pm.
Who should attend
- software and online service product managers;
- trustmark operators and awards bodies;
- Semantic Web practitioners.
Speakers include: Jeremy Carroll of Top Quadrant, W3C's Matt Womer and POWDER WG chair Phil Archer (FOSI)
Official Website:
Added by Phil Archer on August 8, 2008