A POW Ensemble concert series in Den Haag, each combined with a lecture, all starting at 4.00pm.
On 8 October: Lecture by writer Kader Abdolah Luc Houtkamp, saxophone, computer Joseph Bowie, trombone Han Buhrs, vocals Guy Harries, computer, vocals
On 15 October the speaker is composer/performer Tom Tlalim
On 22 October the speaker is artist/scientist Theo Jansen
On 29 October the speaker is Michel Waisvisz.
Improvisations by Luc Houtkamp, saxophone, computer Keir Neuringer, saxophone DNA, turntables, live electronics
Added by wouter (frits) on August 27, 2006
de concerten in TAG kosten 5 euro per keer; en er is een
passepartout voor 15,-, dan krijg je alle 4 concerten plus een
inleiding/soloconcert van Luc in het Koorenhuis, Prinsegracht 27 op
30 sept om 13.30 uur.
wouter (frits)
POW ensemble is tof
overtuig u zelf: http://www.myspace.com/powensemble