A meet-up for programmers, web developers and designers to discuss and showcase their "£5 apps" - lightweight software created by one or two people who take a simple idea and run with it.
The discussion will range from technical (what tools/languages were used during development) to business (building communities, spreading the word, costs and rewards).
The "£50 Million Pound App" Christmas Special.
Resident artist Shardcore (http://shardcore.org/shardpress/) reveals a bit more than usual about his murky past as he talks with fellow cohort Martin Redington (http://www.mildmanneredindustries.com/) about "The £50 Million App" and their days back at Beenz.com and other heavily-funded startups. The subtitle is 'how to go from £0 to £50,000,000 and back again'. Martin previously talked about "living the life of a mac indie" at the £5app and if you've met Shardcore then you'll know that he's an entertaining speaker...
Certain parts of this talk will require an NDA.
In addition Annesley Newholm will be discussing DaoConsumer (http://www.daoconsumer.com/) which:
"Tells you who the evil companies are as you are buying stuff anywhere on-line (hippyware)."
DaoConsumer consists of a C++ COM IE Plug-in (like GreaseMonkey), a Postgres DB and a C++ Spider that trawls the internet for dirt on companies.
This event will be sponsored by Future Platforms (http://www.futureplatforms.com/).
Official Website: http://fivepoundapp.com/meetup/9/
Added by lilspikey on November 12, 2007