A meet-up for programmers, web developers and designers to discuss and showcase their "£5 apps" - lightweight software created by one or two people who take a simple idea and run with it.
The discussion will range from technical (what tools/languages were used during development) to business (building communities, spreading the word, costs and rewards).
For the first talk Aleks Krotoski will be talking about Spaceship (http://www.toastkid.com/Spaceship.html) a "text adventure built by the collective hivemind of The Guardian gamesblog's community".
Then we shall have several demos (along the lines of previous DemoCamps), but with a gaming theme. If you've got a game (or something game-like) you've built that you'd like to demo and talk about for 5-10 minutes mail us (demo AT fivepoundapp DOT com).
Official Website: http://fivepoundapp.com/meetup/14/
Added by lilspikey on November 16, 2008