Improvised Cinema
July 8
8:00 p.m.
Video Studio
Electronic music and video performance duo, Potter-Belmar Labs, present
"Improvised Cinema" Fresh off their MidWest Tour and having won three
out of three recent A/V performance battles, the Ann Arbor group will
take the audience on a live cinematic journey, improvisationally mixing
both samples and original video, music and sounds, and everything in
Potter-Belmar Labs is Leslie Raymond and Jason Jay Stevens,
collaborating artists since 1999, with internationally exhibited work
spanning a variety of media including interactive sculpture,
installation, single-channel video, and performance.
When we perform together as Potter-Belmar Labs, we seek to build
cinematic events spontaneously, before the eyes and ears of the
audience, using live mixes of audio and video, weaving sampled media and
self-composed work, cut-up and stitched back together, on the fly. It's
been called the storytelling of the future; Mark Wojahn, of City Club
Cinema in Minneapolis said that PBL "blows away your expectations on new
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Added by bkerr on June 27, 2005