Civic Center Plaza
San Francisco, California

On Labor Day, Monday, September 7, Slow Food San Francisco will host a potluck Eat-In in support of its national Time For Lunch Campaign to bring real food to the country's public schools. Based on the premise that everyone is entitled to food that is "Good, Clean and Fair," and that our children deserve fresh, healthy food, Labor Day Eat-Ins will take place throughout the country. Over 227 Eat-Ins are planned across the US with more added each day.

Everyone is welcome. Please bring your own plates, utensils, cups and a favorite dish to share. There is no admission price for the Eat-Ins. Since Slow Food will provide tables and seating, those attending are asked to sign up at:

While sharing good food with like minded people is in itself a statement, Eat-Ins will feature speakers, including politicians, and organize letter-writing campaigns, and a petition aimed at the Child Nutrition Reauthorization before Congress this fall. This legislative act determines funds and standards for food in schools programs.

The Child Nutrition Act is the bill that governs the National School Lunch Program, and it is up for reauthorization in Congress. The National School Lunch Program provides a meal to more than 30 million children every school day.

To get more details about the Time for Lunch Policy Platform, other Bay Area Eat-Ins, and to sign the petition, please visit the Slow Food "Time for Lunch" campaign website:

Free with RSVP.

Official Website:

Added by FullCalendar on August 18, 2009