The currency of the issue and our members' expressed level of concern at our last two events have both informed our decision to show the rest of the latest documentary film by Robert Greenwald, "Rethink Afghanistan." On Sunday, November 22 we will, as with our September event, begin at 5:30 PM with a potluck dinner, and follow with more of this remarkable film.
Back in September only the first few parts of the film had been released. Rather than wait, we chose to show what we had in order to bring the issue of the Afghanistan war to San Mateo Peace Action's front burner. Peace Action West Political Director Rebecca Griffin's October talk complemented the film's message with more details and suggestions for channeling our activism. On November 22 we will "finish watching" the film and have another open comment period - to hear from each other and further explore what we can do both individually and collectively.
Part 5 of the film is called "Women of Afghanistan," and raises questions about whether this war can, as advertised by many of its boosters, liberate or help Afghani women. Part 6, simply called "Security," features ex-CIA agents making the case that there is no victory to be won Afghanistan. We have thus far avoided showing a segment called "Civilian Casualties" because of its graphic images. All of the segments (and various fact sheets) can be found by logging on to www.rethink
And on Sunday November 22, Beck Hall at UUSM will be the place to go to find community and share ideas coming out of the last three months of information we have tried to facilitate about the Afghanistan war. Please also bring a dish to share; beverages will be on hand for a donation, and coffee and tea will be as always complimentary. The UUSM is wheelchair accessible.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on November 8, 2009