513 north thirty-sixth street space e
Seattle, Washington 98103

Come November 5th, it’s all going to be over (or begin-depending on your stance, I guess). Regardless, we’re gunna need to shake off all the muck that’s been slung from the left and the right for the past couple years. You and I both know there ain’t no better place to start shakin’ than yo’ ass, so we’re throwin a party!

This Wednesday night, Nov 5th at ToST, Seattle Subsonic presents our first-ever concert featuring the soul crushing blues of Branden Daniel and Everybody Gets Laid and the red hot rock of the Liars Club.

Branden Daniel and Everyone Gets Laid crank out some of the most high energy, crunchy and delicious blues/rock I’ve ever heard. Slightly reminiscent of Jon Spencer, or PowerSolo. It’s the sort of stuff you’d expect to hear pouring out of a grimy taphouse in Memphis. I’m just glad we can get it here in our backyard.

The Liars Club are a long time friend of Subsonic, filling your need for the rock whether you crave the hard and heavy or the lighter grooves. They've got a great take on the entire spectrum.

ToST - 513 N 36th St Fremont
Doors 9:00
Cover - Just $5
(we know the economy sucks too!)

Official Website: http://www.seattlesubsonic.com/2008/11/03/seattle-subsonic-presents-post-election-celebration-11-5-tost/

Added by SeattleSubsonic on November 3, 2008

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