PossibiliTEAS 2009
Ladies Tea-Luncheon and Fashion Show
Turn your ImpossibiliTEAS into RealiTEAS
Saturday April 4, 2009
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
The Beautiful Camelot of Upper Marlboro (Camelot by Martins)
Honored Mistress of Ceremony- Lesli Foster- WUSA-TV9
Dynamic Inspirational Speaker- Jewel Diamond Taylor
Circle of Grace Awards to 5 Special Women who have Defied Life's Odds
Spectacular Vendor Showcase
Live Entertainment
Silent Auction
Door Prizes
Fashion Show
Delicious 2 Entree Luncheon...and more
Proceeds will Benefit
The Harriet Tubman Homeless Shelter Project
LOVE- Leave Out Violence Everyday- Domestic Violence Outreach
SOS- Saving our Sisters- HIV-AIDS Awareness Campaigh
Tickets$50.00 Until March 12
AFTER March 12 Tickets are $60.00
Order Tickets TODAY !
By Telephone: 301-552-7470
Organized by Sisters4Sisters, Inc.Sisters4Sisters, Inc. is dedicated to the Empowerment of Women and Girls in Mind, Body and Spirit. This 501(c)3 organization founded in 1999 host monthly seminars on personal and professional development as well as Mission Critical Community Outreach in the areas of Homelessness, Domestic Violence, HIV-AIDS and Youth Mentoring.
Official Website: http://possibiliteas2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com