839 Larkin St
San Francisco, California 94109

The Shooting Gallery Presents:

"Portrait of the Artist"
a group exhibition featuring porraits of artists

opening reception Thursday, January 12, 2006
from 7pm - 11pm
showing through January 31, 2006

Lisa Alisa, Van Arno, Shawn Barber, Wesley Burt, Sean Cheetham, Coro, Curve,
Carl Dobsky, Kirsten Easthope, Natalia Fabia, Korin Faught, Shepard Fairey,
David Flores, Helen Garber, Aaron Hawks, Mercedes Helnwein, Jessica Holmes,
Andrew Jones, Eric Kroll, Henry Lewis, Kevin Llewellyn, Anne Faith Nicholls,
Joshua Petker, Joey Piziali, Lee Harvey Roswell, Isabel Samaras, Patrick
Morgan Slade, Anthony Sortillon, Jeremy MF Thompson, Miles Thompson and Andrea

The Shooting Gallery
839 Larkin St
SF CA 94109

→ Further information: http://www.shootinggallerysf.com

Added by wurzeltod on January 8, 2006