9601 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118

Nelson Shanks, prestigious realist and portrait artist and founder of the Studio Incamminati will present the Katherine M. and William E. Schubert Memorial Lecture on March 22, 2012 at 7 p.m. in the College auditorium. Nelson Shanks is regarded as the foremost realist painter in America today. Most widely known as a portrait painter, especially of high-profile sitters such as European royalty, American presidents, and the Pope, his subjects include the human figure, landscape, and still life. His devotion to the fine arts also includes his commitment to educating young artists.
The lecture is free and open to the public, but with limited seating. To register, please email eventregistration@chc.edu . For more information, please contact Coco Minardi, director of the Griffin Fund and special events, at 215.753.3692.

Added by chc.publicrelations on January 25, 2012