915 SE Hawthorne Boulevard
Portland, Oregon 97214

Come play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details (http://www.portlandwerewolf.com).

If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play.

Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.

Official Website: http://www.portlandwerewolf.com

Added by uselink126 on July 7, 2009



Have never been before, and don't really know anybody....Strangers welcome?

Steven Walling

Tony, strangers most definitely welcome (though I doubt you'll be a stranger to some of us there!) It's very easy to learn; random people have wandered in and picked it up immediately.


Hey, thanks Steven! Yeah, I've got some twitter pals, at least...I've played before, but only online -- never in person. Cool, I'll be there then. It'll be nice to meet you in person...