117 NW Fifth Ave. (btwn Couch and Davis)
Portland, Oregon 97209

Join Portland Ten’s Carolynn Duncan as we discuss VC Funding for Startups

Schedule & Topics

Workshops are held January 28- April 16,2010, on Tuesdays 2-4 pm and Thursdays 6-8 pm at NedSpace Old Town– for a full schedule of workshops & topics: http://www.portlandten.com/skills


Passes can be purchased at the door-- cash or check at the door only, please. If you need to pay by credit card, please let a staff member know.

* 1 Workshop Pass: $20
* 1 Track Pass (3 sessions in one topic): $45
* Unlimited Pass (up to 24 sessions): $150


Upgrade: if you purchase a pass and would like to upgrade to another package, we’ll pro-rate it and you’ll pay only the difference between the passes.

Portland Ten: current participants & alumni attend free.

Six Week Sprint: current participants & alumni may purchase an unlimited pass for $20.

Official Website: http://www.portlandten.com/skills

Added by PortlandTen on March 1, 2010

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