Portland Ten, Stoel Rives, FundingUniverse, and NedSpace are hosting Portland Lunch 2.0 on August 26, 2009 at NedSpace in Old Town.
From 12:00 to 12:45, there will be a livepitch session, which is free for anyone to watch.
I'm told livepitch is like American Idol for entrepreneurs, with a panel of judges. If you're interested in pitching, you can find details here.
Regular Lunch 2.0 activity begins directly following the livepitching.
Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at lunch20.com, and we're putting a PDX stamp on it.
You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist.
Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.
Official Website: http://siliconflorist.com/2009/07/30/portland-ten-lunch-20-nedspace/
Added by Jake Kuramoto on July 30, 2009
Vegetarian and what not.
Paul Bingman
Vegetarian please!