Work-in-the-Trenches Publicist Nancy Juetten will hold the Publici-Tea(TM) Workshop with special guest presenter Rob Smith, editor of the Portland Business Journal, to empower do-it-yourself publicity success in traditional, online, and social media among buzz seeking business owners.
This day of conversation about all things related to do-it-yourself publicity will inspire you into action to build the buzz about your business without spending a bundle. Plus, event guests will get to test drive a new,
high-value bio-in-the-box tool to make it easy to share their credentials and expertise in a winning way in exchange for their feedback.
Publici-Tea(TM) guests are already applying the lessons learned at the event to earn attention in media outlets including Smart Money Small Business, MSN Money, the Puget Sound Business Journal, and many more. Isn't it time for you to get into the publicity game to enjoy similar results?
Everyone who attends receives an abundance of print and audio materials in the Media-Savvy-to-Go Publicity eToolkit to support their do-it-yourself publicity success. Every guest leaves the Publici-Tea(TM) with the inspiration, confidence, and tools to navigate many of the latest online and offline ways to build the buzz.
Guests enjoy delicious Biscot-Tea(TM) and tea or coffee in the morning, a tasty lunch, and Seattle Chocolates for dessert. They gain great ideas, resources and access to media contacts to make publicity success flow with ease. Guests get their publicity questions answered by a local expert. Personal attention is the intention, and results in the media are the goal.
This event is co-sponsored by Kathie Nelson of ConnectWorks and Rebecca Shapiro of The Savvy Collaborative.
The fee to participate is $297. Visit this link to read the testimonials and register to assure your place. -
$297 - Includes the Media-Savvy-to-Go Publicity eToolkit.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on May 4, 2009