Woodshed Films Presents
The Present -a new film from the maker of The Seedling and Sprout, Thomas Campbell.With special musical guests The Mattson 2& Ray Barbee.
The Cast Dave Rastovich, Dane Reynolds, Joel Tudor, Sofia Mulanovich, C.J.Nelson, Ry Craike, Devon Howard, Dan Malloy, Harrison Roach,Kassia Meador, Jacob Stuth, Chelsea Georgenson Hedges, Chris Del Moro,Michel Junod, Ian King, Danny Hess, Alex Knost and Rob Machado
Shot on location in West Africa, Australia,New Zealand, Hawaii,California, Sumatra, and Java
For more info see trimyourlifeaway.com /woodshedfilms.com
Organized by Woodshed Films"The Present" - a new film from the maker of The Seedling and Sprout - Thomas Campbell.
Ticket Info: The Present, $10.99
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/298856889/upcoming