1211 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800
Portland, Oregon 97204

This month's topic: Portlet Integration with Cloud Based Services Twilio and PubNub

We will be discussing 2 open source portlets for Liferay that I recently created which integrates Twilio and PubNub. Twilio provides infrastructure APIs for businesses to build scalable, reliable voice and text messaging apps. PubNub provides eal-time push notification PLUS unique device to device mass broadcasting. We'll look at easy of use of these 2 APIs and the Spring MVC portlets that wrap them.

Led by Chris Buckley, founder of the Portland Liferay User Group, join us to learn:

PubNub - Cloud Service Java API
Twilio - Cloud Service Java API
Wrapping the services with Spring MVC Portlets
Deploying them with Liferay

More information on the portlets and the projects can be found at: http://puresrc.com/web/guest/knowledge


Speaker: Chris Buckley

Chris is co-founder and CEO of Pure Src (pure source), an enterprise portal implementation and development group, and the Portland Liferay User Group Founder. Prior to forming Pure Src, he was senior web architect at Rbx Global a mid-size software engineering firm supporting educational and government agencies. Chris has been actively involved in Open Source development for more than 9 years, committing or contributing to to projects like the Apache UIMA project and Liferay. Chris currently lives in Portland, OR and spends his time playing Soccer and chauffeuring his kids to Soccer and Gymnastics when he’s not programming.


PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, Trees restaurant in the same building).

(join our mailing list, linked from the website!)

Official Website: http://pjug.org/

Added by waj on October 18, 2011

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