Pacific First Center Building 851 SW Sixth Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97204

It's time for another Portland Data Visualization Meetup. The last one occurred on November 3rd, 2009. A number of things have happened since then, like Marshall Kikpatrick's coverage of #pdxboom, the release of Lee Byron's Stacked Graph Source Code and Nathan Bergey's release of his own stacked graph code, Ben Stabler's development of a Flex/Flash data visualization platform and R visualizations, and Aaron Parecki's continued GPS visualization experiments.

We'll have five main presentations from members of the Portland tech community and a bunch of networking time. Webtrends will again graciously host us on their top floor.

The event is open to everyone interested in or working in the field of data visualization. This means designers, programmers, information architects, data miners, anthropologists, ect. We're expecting a similar amount of people to last time (probably around 20-30 people).

Bring a passion for data visualization, and a mind open to exploring new ideas and concepts.

1. StreamGraphs for Visualizing Twitter searches

Amber Case @caseorganic
>>Background of streamgraphs for visualizing Twitter searches
>>Use case

Aaron Parecki @aaronpk
>>Data collection from Twitter
>>Twitter whitelisting
>>Storing in MSQL
>>Preparing data (removing words) for Python library

Nathan Bergey @natronics
>>Implementing the streamgraph algorithm in Python
>>Open Source, Python
>>How it works
>>SVG library

Conclusions, analysis and highlights
Amber, Nathan Aaron


2. Ben Stabler
>>Flex/Flash data visualization platform
>>R visualization

3. Nathan Bergey
Gource (video)
>>Program for visualizing commit history in a git-based code

4. Aaron Parecki
Subversion Commit Logs
>>Showing work habits through visualizing the two years of source code logs.

GPS Map of Portland
>>Showing where Aaron has been in Portland from October 2009-April 2010.

5. Data Viz of Cyborg Reconstruction Fund
Data Visualization for PayPal donations to @caseorganic’s ankle surgery fundraiser.
>>PayPal Data
>>MySQL table
>>Google Maps/Chart code
>>Final Images

Added by aicase on April 7, 2010