June found a way to sneak up on us, coming with no sun but that is not going to keep the PDX 501 Tech Club from celebrating summer. Join the Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN) for Happy Hour on June 19 at the Lucky Labrador in the Northwest. This a chance for local nonprofit techies to relax and get out from behind our computers. We will have some conversation about your favorite tools to get the job done and how you are using them or how you wish you could use them.
The Portland 501 Tech Club is growing with your participation and turning into one of the hottest new places to learn, connect, and CHANGE within the Portland community! This is a fantastic way to keep conversations, learning opportunities and networking going throughout the community.
If you haven't already, please join the Portland 501 Tech Club at http://groups.nten.org. Please email Anna at anna@nten.org or Amy at amyrsward@gmail.com with any questions.
Official Website: http://groups.nten.org
Added by amyrsward on June 3, 2008