1945 NW Quimby
Portland, Oregon

Please mark 501 Tech Club on your calendar for Wednesday, February 13th @ 5:00 PM!

We will be moving the 501 Tech Club Brown Bag Lunch this month to
a fun evening with HumaniNet and One Laptop Per Child at the Lucky Lab in the Northwest.

Portland to Kathmandu: What's New inTechnology for Nonprofits, Development, and Relief

Wednesday, February 13
bring a friend

Join tech enthusiasts from HumaniNet, N-TEN, and One Laptop Per Child (OLPC)
News for conversation, technology, and fun. No cost; refreshments available
to purchase at the Lucky Lab Northwest counter. This is a great opportunity
for those attending the 501 Tech Club Brown Bag Lunch Series to continue
learning and connecting with the Portland community!

Wayan Vota of One Laptop Per Child News will be on hand with a new XO
computer designed by OLPC. Gregg Swanson of HumaniNet will talk to those
interested in the Nepal simulation exercise in 2007 and the GIS software
that we used. The team from N-TEN will have a few words about the new
Portland 501 Tech Club. Amy Sample Ward of Meyer Memorial Trust will also
say a few words about Net Tuesdays and MMT.

Date: Wednesday, February 13

5:00 - 6:30: meet, network, check out the XO and other tech hardware
and software

6:30 - 7:00: brief presentations, QA

7:00 - ? meet, discuss, have a good time

Location: the Lucky Lab Northwest (19th and Quimby) in Portland. Note
Lucky Lab Northwest, not Hawthorne.

If you haven't already, please join the Portland 501 Tech Club at
http://groups.nten.org. Please email Anna at anna@nten.org if you have any

Thanks and we hope to see you there!

Official Website: http://groups.nten.org

Added by multimodal on February 11, 2008

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